Science and Technology for the Built Environment (HVAC&R research) | 暖通专业推荐期刊


Science and Technology for the Built Environment (曾用名:HVAC&R research (1995 - 2014)) is published by Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of ASHRAE, a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. Science and Technology for the Built Environment is available online, as a printed volume published twice a year and through "Open Select" offered by Taylor & Francis. ASHRAE and Taylor and Francis aim to expand the global reach and readership, to achieve the highest possible levels of accessibility through rapid review and publication process, and to improve access to previously published articles.

Science and Technology for the Built Environment ASHRAE's archival research publication offers comprehensive reporting of original research in science and technology related to the stationary and mobile built environment, including:

  • 室内环境质量,人员健康,舒适度和生产率
  • 采暖,通风,空调和制冷(HVAC&R)及相关技术
  • 热力学和能源系统动力学,控制,优化,故障检测和诊断,智能系统以及建筑物需求侧管理
  • 与材料特性,基本热力学,制冷剂,流体动力学,气流以及传热传质相关的实验和分析
  • 可再生和传统能源系统及相关过程和概念
  • 集成的内置环境系统设计方法和工具
  • 新颖的仿真方法和算法以及经过验证的仿真
  • 用于最小化和/或调节空间加热和冷却模式的建筑围护结构材料,组件和系统
  • 文献综述:对现有文献进行严格评估的文章,并指出未来的研究方向

Impact Factor: 1.199(2018年)
审稿速度:平均 3 个月的审稿周期(小木虫)
投稿交流:小木虫-Science and Technology for the Built Environment
更多信息:Science and Technology for the Built Environment