
Indoor and Built Environment is a fully peer reviewed journal that publishes research on any topic pertaining to the quality of the indoor and built environment, and how these might affect the health, performance, efficiency and comfort of persons living or working there. Topics range from urban infrastructure, design of buildings, and materials used to laboratory studies including building airflow simulations and health effects.

Indoor and Built Environment 是一本同行审阅的期刊,它主要发表有关室内和建筑环境质量的研究论文,涵盖居住和办公环境人员的安全,健康,表现,效率和舒适度等问题。

该期刊所发表的专业性研究成果,不仅可以为建筑师和建筑专业人士提供设计指南,还发表有关室内环境质量,绿色建筑评估方法和节能建筑的国家和国际标准和指南。 我们还将发布研讨会讨论文件,以制定有关可持续建筑环境开发的政策和标准的要求。

Impact Factor: 1.367(2018年)
审稿速度:平均 2.6 个月的审稿周期(小木虫)
投稿交流:小木虫-Indoor and Built Environment
更多信息:Indoor and Built Environment